Professional Dog Training in Edmonton

About FLOPPS Dog Training

Why Trust FLOPPS?

FLOPPS provides professional dog training in Edmonton Alberta. Locally owned since 2011, Joanna has built a unique dog training company in Edmonton that offers certified professional dog training and premium services. Joanna enjoys helping people train their dogs so they can live in harmony.

Whether you need private or group dog training FLOPPS is here to help!

Joanna Professional Dog Trainer
Joanna dog trainer edmonton
private dog training sherwood park
The FLOPPS Difference
  • Location Tailored Options: Choose the force free training that suits your lifestyle – virtual or in-person.
  • Skill Development: Build essential skills and commands using positive reinforcement training in a controlled setting.
  • Personalized Support: In-person training for those facing specific behavioral challenges.
  • Personalized training plans designed to address your dog’s individual temperament, behavior, and learning style.
  • Experienced, certified trainers dedicated to ongoing education and professional development.
  • Empowering families with the knowledge and skills to maintain positive training outcomes long-term.
  • A compassionate, supportive approach that prioritizes the well-being and happiness of every dog we work with.



Ready to Begin Your Training Journey?

Joanna’s Story

Working with dogs and their people gives me great happiness. I know first hand how difficult and frustrating it can be to have a dog that misbehaves and acts nasty in public. In 2005, my then four month old rescue dog Bear was frantic and out of control. He was surrendered by his previous home for nipping, and chasing the children in the family. At the shelter, Bear hid at the back of his run, too scared to meet anybody and mostly kept to himself at first when we took him home. Walking with Bear was a struggle as he pulled hard on my arm, barking and lunging at people and sadly, scared one child to tears. Our first off leash experience with Bear was stressful because he didn’t listen or come when we called him.

It was pretty awful, but after dedicating time and patience training Bear, I’m proud to say he passed the Canine Good Neighbour CKC test! Having a reactive dog like Bear propelled me to learn all I could about problem dog behaviour and about the quickest most effective ways to train a dog with problem behaviour. It’s my goal to help people train their dogs and solve problem behaviour, bringing joy and peace back in to their lives.


At FLOPPS Dog Training, we believe in the power of positive, ethical dog training to transform the lives of both dogs and their families. As dedicated dog trainers serving the Edmonton community, our mission is to uphold the highest standards of ethical training practices while providing unwavering support to every family we serve.


Our commitment to ethical training means we prioritize force-free, science-based training methods that foster trust, respect, and understanding between dogs and their owners. Our team is committed to creating a safe, nurturing environment where dogs can thrive and learn at their own pace, without fear or intimidation.This rules out any methods that use tactics to scare, startle, intimidate or inflict pain on a dog.

Supporting Families for Optimal Results

We understand that every family is unique, and we tailor our training programs to meet the specific needs and goals of each client. Whether you’re dealing with behavioral challenges, obedience issues, or simply want to strengthen the bond with your furry companion, we’re here to provide the guidance, encouragement, and resources you need to achieve lasting results..


We’re ready to answer your questions

About Joanna

I keep my dog training skills sharp staying abreast of the latest in dog training by studying leaders in the dog training world. I have enjoyed rescuing several different delightful dogs of various breeds each with their own personality traits. Each dog has challenged me to understand dog behaviour, learn new training methods by taking Puppy, Basic Level 1, Manners Unleashed, Tricks, Growl for Reactive and Fearful Dogs, Scent Detections and Agility training class to better my leadership skills and deepen my knowledge of interpreting dog body language.

I also enjoy horseback riding, barrel racing, jumping, reining and working cows on my fast and feisty quarter horse named Fame.

I love learning more about horse behaviour, their body language, using positive reinforcement and how to communicate clearly with them by applying the Doug Mills Training Thru Trust Horse Program doing liberty work in the round pen and halter/groundwork.

Education & Certification 

  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPTD-KA) the highest level of recognition in dog training. This certification is given by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) and has world wide recognition. This means I have completed hundreds of hours as an instructor, volunteered training dogs and passed a rigorous dog training exam. In order to keep this designation, I must attend continuing education courses taught by leaders in the field.  I have chosen to pursue the CPTD-KA designation because of its code of ethics, scientifically proven dog training techniques and level of professionalism that comes with completing the continuing education units needed to maintain my certification, keeping my skills cutting edge. Please visit for more information. 
  • Dog Trainer Certification (ABCDT) from Animal Behaviour College ( and have completed the Dog Trainer Apprenticeship Program at Dogspaw ( 
  • Currently – Studying to become a Certified Behavior Consultant Canine – Knowledge Assessed (CBCC-KA), only 2 trainers in Edmonton  with this certification as of Sept 2017, and Certified Behavior Consultant (CDBC) from  International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants(IAABC), only 1 other trainer in Alberta with this certification.

Certification, Education, Community Partnerships and Accomplishments

Our Training Programs

Group Training
Private Training
Online/Virtual Training
Therapy Dog Training

Unsure? Get in touch to find out what program is best suited to your needs.

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