Behaviour Questionnaire

Enhance Your Training Experience: Share Your Dog’s Story with Us! This way, our certified dog trainers in Edmonton will have all the information they need to maximize your training!

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Emergency Contact Name
Is this your first dog?
REQUIRED VACCINATIONS: Check off the boxes of vaccinations your dog(s) currently have. By checking the boxes below, the owner of said dog, states that t og has or will have up to date vaccinations required to attend training outside the home. The ers also understands that they must provide a copy of their dogs vaccinations records to the er prior to training
*All dogs must have the required vaccinations All vaccination records must be seen prior to training outside of the home. FLOPPS reserves the right to refuse access to any dog that does not have the required vaccinations.
Do you use a crate?
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Agreement
* Clicking the yes button above, it legally represents your electronic signature and that you have read, understand and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Agreement. Signature of Participant As participant, the legal owner/agent/care provider of the pet(s) named above, do hereby agree to all of the above information.
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Agreement

I  the Dog Owner and the legal owner / care provider of the pet(s) in training understand that dogs can be unpredictable and there is an inherent and unavoidable risk of injury to involved when interacting with any dogs  especially aggressive dogs.

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